Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is Missing??

I am cold!! Not just cold, FREEZING!! Let me put it this way: I'm huddled under two layers of blankets, my nose is starting to drip, and I'm seriously considering typing with mittens. SERIOUSLY!! Gotta love the true change to fall going on this week! Last week, I woke up to temps at least in the it was 41! Next week, the weatherman I can't stand said we'll be seeing some frost (guess I should start hunting for my ice scraper now!) I wonder when our first snow will be this year. Maybe I should start pulling out my sweaters.

I've been seeing quite a few people posting their Wordles on their blogs lately so I decided to take a look and find out what mine looks like. Ta Da!


I'm seeing some keywords that are desperately needed in my word cloud. Why aren't they there? I haven't wrote about them in quite a while, evidently! I'll give myself 50 lashes with a wet noodle. What are those words: Workout, Exercise, Walking, Treadmill, etc. You get the picture! That changes today! No, I won't just randomly type those words in my next posts, silly! You'll start seeing my workout reports right here tomorrow. My October goal is to get 25 true workouts in for the month. I'm not going to be counting my walks during work breaks, even those are great! Stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

I love Wordles! I just did mine, too. Posting...

Lovebug6100 said...

Just wondering where you're from - our weather report looks the same. But this is my favorite kind of weather. I am glad the summer is over!

Ms. Gigglepuss said...

I'm from SD! The state, not San Diego :) I like the beginning of fall too...I'll take 60s over 80s and 90s any time! If the snow will just stay away as long as possible, the weather would be perfect!

Taking It One Step At A Time said...

I'm pretty new to blogging. What is a wordle, and how do you do it?

Ms. Gigglepuss said...

To get your wordle, go to and follow the instructions. You'll enter your blog page and by some magic, it generates the word cloud. You can pick different colors and fonts. Then, you have to do Print Screen in order to post it on your blog. There are good instructions in the FAQ section on the site.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, I have to try this later :)

Anonymous said...

hehe, I just tried it. I think I will wait until the recipe is off my main page seeing as Pork was the big word in mine...LMAO